Invest In Berkeley Kids & Provide Summer Solutions
I am the mother of a beautiful and bright baby girl. Not so much a baby anymore and to be specific a 3rd grader on summer break. Like many parents, single or otherwise, having a safe environment for our children that focuses on much-needed interaction and stimulation is important as we come into the endemic.
Obviously, the last two years have taken an unprecedented toll in many areas of our daily and overall lives. And we are all now learning how to cope with the aftermath of a pandemic and bracing for the possibilities of what is to come with the current events taking place in our world. For OUR children especially, this is not easy.
I volunteer daily at my daughter’s school during lunch/recess for all classes K-5 and the children are dealing with things like bullying, peer pressure, insecurities and so much more. But I also see that kids are disturbed by what is going on in the world. They are afraid and unsure just like us adults are. Just imagine how troubling it is for a child.
So, to give back to our community, I am creating a child and family center to provide an environment that will allow engagement on a personal level.
During the summer months when children are most vulnerable to idle behaviors like excessive digital use (Tik-Tok, YouTube, Facebook, and video games), we will offer an alternative through activities and character building exercises using technology social media in a safe way to address self-esteem and promote anti-bullying.
Social distancing has created a social disaster. I want to, along with everything else instill social skills that our children missed out on during crucial developmental years. My vision is full of hands-on activities and stimulation, using the imagination to create and construct, independently and with peers.
It’s a big dream counting on small means, and the first and biggest challenge is securing podcasting and video production equipment, kits and devices. I also want to provide scholarships so that more children can participate. But we’ll get there. If you’d like to help, please visit our gofundme page.